Written by a teenager with first-hand salt & sauna experience! Leonardoda Vinci once said, “Every now and then, go away, have a little relaxation, for when you comeback to your work, your judgment will be surer.” During the teenage years, the mind and body is under stress from all the everyday things. These years, when someone is not a child, but not yet an adult, can be a challenging and stressful time. Fortunately, there is a place that can make the stress go away — Breathe Salt & Sauna. Salt therapy (Halotherapy) provides isolation in a stress-free environment in a salt room. Pharmaceutical-grade salt is circulated into the room, providing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits. The infrared saunas, combined with chromotherapy (color light therapy), can reduce stress and anxiety by balancing the body’s level of cortisol, the primary stress hormone. The heat also helps the body’s muscles relax, which naturally reduces stress. Anything that can help teens during this time is worth checking out, right? Ways salt therapy and infrared saunas can improve the lives of teens: Reduce stress levels. There is no doubt that high school is difficult to handle with the pressure of college a few years or months away, tensions […]